With spring time coming to a close and summer soon underway, every homeowner is trying to learn ways to help save money in cooling their home down. There are few inexpensive ways to help reduce your energy bill and help make your HVAC unit run more efficiently. NY NJ AC Connection will share some tips on how you can improve your a/c unit’s efficiency and save you money this summer season.
HVAC Efficiency & Money Saving Tips
1. The first suggestion which isn’t the cheapest either, is if you have an older model unit you may want to consider replacing it with a more modern unit. One reason why this is so highly recommended is that older units weren’t designed to cool with efficiency. This wasn’t at the top of manufacturers minds. However it’s now a hot topic and with all modern models of HVAC systems, you can save up to 50% on your energy usage. Of course the size of the home and how many units you may have will vary in efficiency. Having a more modern HVAC unit will greatly help reduce the amount of power used to cool down your home. If your unit is older than 15 years, you may want to save for a newer HVAC unit.
2. The beginning of spring is the best time to inspect and prepare your a/c unit for the hot summer months. You will especially want to inspect your air duct system for leaks or gaps in the ventilation. Older homes used to seal their duct works with duct tape. Over time and in hotter areas, the adhesive will wear away and the air ducts will separate or create gaps. This is a major problem for your power bill because most of the cool air is now being pumped out of the gap and not into the various rooms of your home. Even the smallest crack can cause 30% extra on your energy usage. Make sure to seal any cracks and gaps in your air duct and ventilation systems. Additionally, make sure doorways and windows are also sealed to prevent the loss of your cooled air and make your a/c unit work harder than needs be to cool down your home.
3. If you don’t already own one or you have an older home, you may want to consider investing in a programmable thermostat. Programmable thermostats give you the ability to adjust your home’s temperature when people are home or when the home is empty. By allowing the home to be slightly warmer when no one is home saves money. You can then use the programmable thermostat to bring down the temperature when you come home or the home is occupied. For window units, you can buy a plug-in timer that can help control the time you want to cool down each room of the home.
4. Another important money saver is to replace the intake air filters. It is important to provide the best air flow for the best efficiency. With proper air flow your unit will work more efficiently. Dirty filters add to the problem of inefficiency. Depending on your home environment, such as kids or outdoor pets, you may need to change your filters every month to every three months. This will not only help save you more money but help prevent future problems.
5. If at all possible you will want to shade your a/c unit. Build an overhang, shade, or have trees to help keep your unit cooled down during the summer months. This can reduce your power usage up to 10% which may not seem like a lot, but adding all the other methods of reducing power usage and improving efficiency, you will be surprised to see how much money you can save this summer.
Air Conditioner & Heater HVAC Services in Manhattan NYC
NY NJ AC Connection is dedicated in helping our customers save money and improve the efficiency of the HVAC system. If you are in need of inspections, repairs or replacements, contact NY NJ AC Connection today for we are ready to provide our services to you.