NY NJ A/C Connection supplies the Greater New York area with full HVAC system services. Being completely licensed, certified, and insured since 2006, we continue to being a reputable, affordable and professional quality company. NY NJ A/C Connection technicians have advanced training, years of experience, and natural talents that are enhanced with the use of top-of-the-line products, tools, and equipment available only to licensed professionals to assure our valued customer superior execution on all services rendered. Since day one NY NJ A/C Connection has been set apart from the competition as we uphold high moral values and work ethics as well family-friendly customer service consistently with every service we perform.
Emergency Furnace Repair Services
NY NJ A/C Connection of Manhattan, NY offers furnace repair services, catering to both commercial businesses and residential homes in the community. Being without adequate heating during the New York winter is not a good situation. If your furnace is experiencing any malfunctions, you need a reliable source to make the necessary repairs quickly and efficiently. That is why you need NY NJ A/C Connections on your side.
Troubleshooting Common Furnace Problems
Common furnace issues found throughout the Greater New York area are:
– Furnace Mechanical Wear & Tear. The furnace is constructed of several mechanical components that are designed to move in conjunction with one another to produce the heat in your home or business. Belts, bearings, and other motorized parts will slowly deteriorate over time, and can be expedited under several circumstances. When these parts are no longer able to function, they will need to be repaired and/or replaced in order for your furnace to operate at full capacity. NY NJ A/C Connection has many parts on hand to avoid the waiting game when ordering and our technicians are familiar with the many brands and models to ensure efficient repairs.
– Air Filters that are Clogged and Dirty. Many homeowners and business owners often overlook the necessity of replacing the furnace’s filter. If the furnace operates while it is obstructing airflow due to clogged and filthy filters, the other components are working overtime to compensate and will strain and eventually damage the filter. Where some repairs can assist, excessive neglect can cause your furnace to retire early.
– Furnace Pilot or Ignition Control Issues. Mechanical parts are not the only components that can wear down. If the furnace is producing intermittent heat or no heat at all, chances are the ignition control is malfunctioning. Modern furnace systems are frequently designed with one of two types of ignition systems. Hot surface ignition uses the resistance in the heating element controlled electronically to ignite the gas burner. Intermittent pilots are also electronically controlled but utilizes a high voltage electrical spark to ignite the gas pilot as well as the main burners.
– Thermostat Dysfunction. The furnace’s thermostat is the device that determines the how much and when heat is produced. The thermostat could be prohibiting heat from be produced, fan from being inoperable and not pushing hot air throughout your home or business, leaving the temperatures uncomfortable.
– Furnace Maintenance Neglect. It is highly recommended that furnaces receive an annual maintenance service to significantly reduce the need to for repairs and prolong the longevity of your furnace. Maintenance services ensure the moving parts are operable, well lubed, and loosened elements are tightened down. Maintenance services catch many problems in the beginning or potential start, making many major repairs simply avoidable.
Oil, Electric & Gas Furnace Emergency Repair Services in Manhattan, New York City
If your commercial business and residential home is in need of furnace repairs throughout the Greater New York area, count on NY NJ A/C Connection to make the furnace repairs quickly and efficiently to get your indoors back in comfort. Call us today to get started!