It is common for people to find themselves in circumstances involving a decision to either keep investing in repairs or replacing their inefficient or broken furnace. Especially when a furnace can last 15 or more years, most hesitate at the thought of pouring in substantial funds for a replacement. We a NY NJ AC Connection would like to take a moment to help you weigh out your options, there are some factors to consider before choosing which route to take. You need to make an informed decision and though there is no rule book for this, having a general guideline can better help you make a practical decision before taking the plunge and buying a new furnace to replace the old. As to which option is better for your circumstances, below you will find some general basics.
Should I Replace My 15 Year Old Furnace?
A furnace that is 15 years or older. A furnace can last anywhere from 15 to 30 years, depending on the diligence of the maintenance, the quality of the model of the furnace, and the care you implement. Resulting the need for frequent repairs, the closer it gets to retirement the more signs of wear will manifest. Consult with the professional on the repairs if the furnace is under 10 years of age and should the furnace be 15 years or older, you are better replacing it.
Cost of Furnace Repairs are More than Half of a Replacement
As a general guideline, when repairs exceed 50% of the cost of a replacement, a replacement is the better investment. You should definitely consider a replacement our older furnace has exceeded 75% of its life and it will cos 1/3 of the repair costs.
Why is My Heating Bill so High?
The heating costs fluctuate year to year with supply and demand and the changing weather patterns. Unusual spikes indicate a problem when you compare months that coincide with your furnace. Causing the unit to perform inefficiently as internal parts wear. The furnace has to syphon more energy, hence the increased bill with the extra strain to deliver. Get in touch a professional if you notice peculiar spikes. Repairs are likely the better option if the furnace is under 15 years and less than half of the costs to get it replaced.
Furnace is Leaking Carbon Monoxide
It can be fatal to be exposed to carbon monoxide long-term. Carbon monoxide is a gas that is silent, odorless, and tasteless, and is widely known as the silent killer. The most common is when the furnace that has a cracked combustion chamber though a few circumstances can cause carbon monoxide from the furnace. It is best to replace the furnace when carbon monoxide is being produced. Call a professional as soon as possible if you suspect carbon monoxide present with the signs of its presence below.
– Rusty pipes.
– The furnace burner flame should be blue, yellow signifies a problem
– Walls, windows, along with other surfaces have extra moisture buildup
– The upward draft is absent from the chimney
– Developing headaches, disorientation, and nausea and other flu-like symptoms
– On the furnace, streaks of soot build up
Forced Air Furnace Installation, Replacement, Emergency Repair & More in Manhattan, New York
Call the experts of NY NJ AC Connection and let our experts take of your furnace no matter if you need furnace repairs, or ultimately replacement.