Many folks will be looking to turn on the central air conditioning units more readily as the temperatures warm up as spring quickly approaches. Keeping on top of the maintenance of your central air conditioning is equally as important as you would your vehicle. You can reap many advantages in doing so with simple care and professional services periodically throughout the year. Today, we at NY NJ AC Connection would like to talk about the basics of a central air system tune-up and the benefits of investing this valuable service.
Benefits of Spring Central AC Tune Ups
The central air conditioning system consists of many moving parts that function through many hours of the day. As it performs, these components experience tear, the lubrication wears, and the buildup of dirt and debris interferes. The off season allows the dust to settle and the parts that were falling short are in need of attention. Just before the beginning of air conditioning season, getting the central air conditioning system professionally tuned up can minimize the need for repair during its use, improve the efficiency and overall condition and potentially extend the life expectancy.
Catch Minor Central AC Problems to Repair Before Escalating to Replacement
During the tune up service, the technician can spot any issues in the beginning stages, replace or repair any worn or damaged parts, evaluate the performance and make the needed adjustments to make needed improvements to avoid potential damage and clean out the dust and debris to make sure the filth doesn’t impede its functioning capabilities. Lubrication is equally important and if the parts that need it are dry, lube is carefully administered. Electrical wiring and bolts can become loose are tightened. Safety elements are checked as well. The air ducts are evaluated t0 ensure their isn’t any leakage and the thermostat is also checked to ensure the overall performance of the central air conditioning system.
Central Air Conditioner Tune Up Checklist
Below you will find what is involved in a basic central air conditioning tune-up service but additional adjustments can be made as well.
– The amp and voltage draw are checked.
– To ensure there are not leaks, the refrigerant lines, levels, and pressure are inspected.
– In the places where it is applicable, lube is applied.
– The alignment and condition of the fan blades are checked and they are also cleaned.
– A comprehensive inspection of the electrical wiring, connections, and capacitor output is done to check for frayed wires, poor installation, and performance. If any imperfections are found, the appropriate repairs, adjustments, and replacements are made.
– Cleaning of the drain pan and cabinet.
– Performed from the thermostat, cycling of the unit is conducted to check for proper start up.
– Condenser coils are inspected for damage and cleaned.
– First checked for any signs of blockage the condensate trap then gets cleaned.
– Blower belt’s durability is assessed.
– Air filters are checked and replaced if needed.
Central AC Inspections, Tune Up Maintenance, Emergency Repairs & More in Manhattan, New York
Getting your air conditioning unit’s tune-up just prior to the start of air conditioning season can often prevent major malfunctions during the season. Simply by applying lube, tightening the hardware, adjusting the electrical system and catching the small repairs can avert problems. At the very least a central air conditioning tune-up can maximize performance of the unit. To reap the benefits and protect your central air conditioning system, call at NY NJ AC Connection and let our professionals perform a central air conditioning tune-up service today to get you ready before the warm settles in. Contact us today!