Extreme Hot & Cold Weather Record Breaking Events Across the Earth. Call the Heating & Air Conditioning Contractors NY NJ AC Connection in Manhattan NY!

With 2016 underway, it is a great opportunity to see what the previous year brought us when it comes to weather. Looking into weather conditions and events that transpired will better help us appreciate the commodities of having a working HVAC system in your home. Enjoying the furnace that produces us heat in the bitter…

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History of Central Heating Systems; Call NY NJ AC Connection in Manhattan New York for State of the Art Furnace & Boiler Appliances, Emergency Repairs & Preventive Maintenance Services

It’s the time of year when temperatures are dropping a little more each day and gusty winds tend to make it feel much colder than it really is. Keeping warm while outside can become a difficult task to achieve, but if you have the proper layering, then you can survive the extreme temperatures. Keeping warm…

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Air Duct Leakage Test; How to Check & Fix Air Ducts for Leaks in Manhattan NY? Call the Air Conditioning & Heating Contractors at NY NJ A/C Connection for Inspection & Emergency Repairs!

Are you vacuuming and dusting your home constantly? Studies indicate that the air we breathe inside our own home can cause allergies and respiratory issues sometimes leading to serious illness like bronchitis and asthma. Have you ever wondered where all this dust is coming from and how to get rid of it? While there is…

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Coldest Day & Winters in New York History; Call NY NJ A/C Connection for Preventive Maintenance Inspections & Emergency Furnace & Boiler Heating Repairs in Manhattan NY

The festivities of the holidays are coming to an end, and the ball has dropped in the heart of our city. New Years is one of the most celebrated holidays around the world and the biggest celebration that night just happens to be in New York City. No matter the weather, the crowds do not…

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